Helping and Caring

Helping and Caring provides information on how to reduce the number of homeless people. Our goal is to educate others and spread awareness on how to help homeless people. We want to improve the lives of the homeless.

The Issue of Homelessness

There are many homeless people around the world. They lack opportunities, food, clothes, shelter, healthcare, etc. People without homes should have access to these things, so they can live well. The number of homeless people also needs to be decreased. We are in the position to help and can improve their lives and future. These people are often not homeless due to their own fault and they just need a little help to get back on their feet. While it is assumed they are too lazy to get a job or are drug addicts, many people are homeless due to other reasons.



 homeless people in US (2020) 


of homeless are sheltered


of homeless are unsheltered

1.6 billion

homeless people in the world

Causes of Homelessness

- L ack of affordable housing
- Unemployment 
- Poverty
- Low wages
- Parents kicking their children out of their home
- Loss
of income
- Lack if affordable healthcare
- Domestic violence (escaping the abusers but not having money to sustain themselves after)
- Systemic failures (when society fails to identify and support people at risk of becoming unhoused)

Here is a list of some trusted charities. We will update often with new, trusted charities.